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Home » A Heart-Warming Day with the Grandpas and Grandmas

A Heart-Warming Day with the Grandpas and Grandmas

Visit to Sesar Yaik Home for the Aged, North Dagon Township

Old age people need care, love and good health. Even in the best old age home, the old people living there can still feel lost and lonely. The Marga Community Care team always has a heart for the elderly citizens in our country. See Sar Yeik Old Aged Home is one of the homes for the elderly that Marga Community Care supports. This old aged home is a certified institute under the supervision of the Social Welfare Department (First Grade) and is home to close to 90 senior citizens.

The old aged home has taken in both male and female elderly residents. When we visit, naturally the male members go to see the grandpas, and the ladies of the team meet the grandmas. We sit and talk with the grandpas and grandmas, which seemingly brighten up their faces already. The elders would tell us about their childhood and the kind of life they have lived. We all find their life experiences not only interesting but inspiring as well.

In our last visit, some of the team members cut nails for the grandmas. In addition to cash donation, we donated a CD player and Dhamma CD. We hope these small offerings will add some color to the daily lives of the grandpas and grandmas. We are honored to be able to smile with them and hold their hands to show that we care.

We wish all elderly citizens happiness and good health, and that we shall continue to put smiles on their faces.

“We, MCC, did our bit by giving our warm hands and embrace to the elderly people who really need to feel more warmth in their aging lives. These experiences give us happiness, and also teach us to be more responsive to the needs of the elderly at our own homes. ”

Khine Aye Htet
Planning Manager, Marga Landmark